Compagnia marittima Toremar - Traghetto Elba

Toremar shipping company

Toscana Regionale Marittima, shipping company founded in 1975

toremar connects many islands of the Tuscan archipelago such as Giglio, Pianosa, Capraia, Elba and Gorgona.

The company was recently privatized (former State).

The rival shipping company Moby Lines was awarded the acquisition of Toremar.


Tel. +39 117733 199 *

(*) the cost of calling from landline Telecom Italy, without click to reply and regardless of distance, to 14.25 cents per minute including VAT from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:30 and 08:00 to 13:00 Saturday and 5.58 cents per minute inclusive of tax in the other schedules and holidays. For calls originating from another network operator prices are provided by the service operator’s clients used.